10 Feb 2011

Faced with $27 billion budget deficit, Gov. Perry focuses on abortion, anti-immigration and voter ID

He sounds a lot like the House GOP leadership. Ignore the real issues and go for the social issues that are only divisive and have nothing to do with getting people back to work. Perry is clueless.The state ranks last in the country in percentage of adults with a high school diploma and first in the share of the population without health insurance.

'Governor Perry has been waking up in a very different reality than most citizens of Texas,' State Senator Wendy Davis, a Fort Worth Democrat, said at a press conference. 'Their reality is becoming starker by the day.'

The governor also called on state lawmakers to quickly approve a list of 'emergency' proposals. These include implementing stricter voter identification requirements, requiring women seeking an abortion to first view a sonogram, targeting cities that provide sanctuary to undocumented immigrants, strengthening the rights of property owners in cases of eminent domain and calling for a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.Republicans in Ohio are following a similar path with an urgent focus on abortion. Yes, the employment and economic problems are all solved now that abortion is at the top of the list.
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