'This is about a massive reallocation of resources held in common by the citizens to corporations for their private gain. And it is about a tactical kneecapping of the political force that might resist that — a tactical kneecapping of the Democratic party and its union base.'Each 'chapter' in this essay develops an aspect of this idea, brilliantly.
Here's Episode 1, Connecting the dots. It's about what's happening — not just in Wisconsin, but in all of the Teapartied, mainly northern states. Wisconsin in just the tip of the spear. Watch:
It's the South come to conquer the North in so many ways, including the export of 'right to work' laws. Yes, Virginia; that war isn't over. (This is my thought, not hers, yet.)
Some of her gory state-by-state details:
▪ Indiana — Stripping unions of rights, privatizing public school resources
▪ Wisconsin — Stripping unions of rights
▪ Idaho — Stripping unions of rights
▪ Ohio — Stripping unions of rights
▪ Michigan — $1.7 billion tax hikes on the old and poor, $1.8 billion in corporate tax cuts
▪ Florida — $1.75 billion in spending cuts to schools, $1.6 billion cuts to corporate and property taxes
And all financed and promoted by Karl Rove and his closet coterie of millionaires (aka Crossroads GPS); the not-so-secret Koch Brothers and their back-pocket front group, Americans for Prosperity; plus others we know not of. The Billionaires' Coup in action.
This is the Republican (or Movement Conservative) agenda. Episode 1 identifies it clearly. Later segments in this show-long essay take on the methods and implications:
Ep. 2: You can't vote them out if you can't vote (keeping voters from voting)This is far-forward thinking; big picture stuff. Ignore Trumka's bridge-maintenance with Obama; that may not last, depending on Team Change, their ham-handedness, and you. Take Maddow's larger point instead; she's right. And take heart that this larger point has a voice.
Ep. 3: That not-so-democratic feeling (a great intro to Episode 4)
Ep. 4: Handing the environmental hen to the foxes (a must-watch; rule by fiat from Republican governors)
Ep. 5: Interview with AFL-CIO chief Richard Trumka
This isn't pretty, but it's (ahem) the elephant in the room. (We'll deal with the donkey later; trust me.)
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